Today's Quote

ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Your dilemma goes deeper than having a shortage of time, it's basically a problem of priorities. Most people leave undone those things that should be done, while they do things that they shouldn't be doing. Consider this little illustration and see how much we spend on trivial things and less to lucrative prospect.

It is said that all man though born unequal share one equal phenomenon and that is TIME – the 24 hours of the clock. The rich, the poor, the lame, blind, hurt, the president of united states of America and the poorest lad in Africa all share this same phenomenon and equal in space. But the difference lies in “how” they utilize it. While the president thinks how to better himself as well as the lives of his subjects the lad thinks of himself alone.

If all men has equal right to this 24hours then how do we spend it is a question we all should Selah about. Let’s divide twenty-four hours by three i.e. (24 ÷ 3) = 8, we would get an equal answer of eight a piece.
So lets philosophize how well we have been spending these eight hours in terms of lucratively or just prodigally.
Eight Hours for SLEEP – and no one messes with that
Eight Hours for WORK – that could also include anything we do for a living i.e. school, is included.
Seeing that work and sleep is covered what do we use our remaining eight hours for? Many get caught in traffics, watch movies to while the time, do some things that barely put money into our pocket and at the end of the day complain for not having enough time.

Set priorities for your goals. A major part of successful living lies in your ability to put first things first. Most major goals are not achieved because people put second things first.
Is what your doing getting you closer to your objectives? Anything that is wasted effort represents wasted time.
Don't serve time, make time serve you.


Young as a circus parade
Pretty as a glass of pink lemonade
Dressed in a Gucci spaghetti gown
On the head a golden crown

Oil of Olay for the skin to supple
Lips naturally coloured in reddish purple
With dimples to edify the face
Queen of the night boost grace

With rhythmic steps that rhymes a tune
Bangles dangle in rhythm that is new
With a diamond wedding ring in the hand
I wondered who would be her husband

The lovely lips that has not been bussed
The hips that has not been touched
The blue eye that has never seen evil
The tender voice that has never wimple

The bust that stands like the Twin Tower
The sweet smell that ooze like a hibiscus flower
The lethal smile that determines fate
The lovely face that gives faith

Who is this creature without a name?
Who is this being that placates pain?
She changed the tune of my life
I don’t mind calling her My Wife!

Written By: Caleb A. Obiajuru