Today's Quote

ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Your attitude is not determined by circumstances, but by how you respond to your circumstances. You can respond positively or negatively to any situation.

It's how you react to events, not the events themselves that determines your attitude. Any challenge facing you is not as important as your attitude towards it, for that will determine your success or failure.

Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out. It's not your position but your disposition that counts. For man proposes and GOD disposes.

If she'd taken the wrong attitude, the miracle would've never happened. It's your--it's your attitude towards the Divine gift of God which determines what's going to happen, always, always.

See, there's no individual person can heal. And there's no--no person that can save you against your will or heal you against your will. It has to be your attitude towards Jesus Christ, what determines your healing. Now, God has sent ministers to preach the Gospel. He put His Word out here, but He put ministers to preach it. He put the different things. But His church... But He has got members in this church or people in this church that... God has set the church in order. And if the people would just get in the place where God put them, and then the church would be in order.

Now, it's your attitude what that is what determines what you get. See? They put rag on His head and hit Him and said, "Tell us something." See? But He doesn't do that. It's your attitude towards Him.

Now, Daniel said, "I'm going to purpose in my heart. No matter how much pressure they put on me, how much they laugh and say I'm a holy-roller, that won't bother me a bit. That won't faze me one bit. I'm going to stay true to God no matter what comes through bad." That's the way. Then you're going to get somewhere when you start with that attitude.

Remember, it's the motive that you have towards anything that determines what you're going to get out of it. It's your motives. If your motive is right, you'll be all right. But always make your motives right. Serve the Lord for one purpose, because you love Him, not because you're afraid of hell, not because you're afraid of dying, but because you love Him, Who loved you when you were unlovable. That's it. "Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood shall never lose its power till all the ransomed Church of God be saved to sin no more." That's right. "Ever since by faith I saw that stream, Thy flowing wounds supply, redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die." What a marvelous quotation of the poet. And that's right. Take all of everything else, but give me love.

Now, Christ meets with man in different councils. Sometimes He meets with man in great numbers. Sometimes He meets with men in small numbers. The numbers doesn't mean whether Christ is there or not; it's the attitude of the people that's in the number what determines it.