You have the power and the opportunity to change your life. You can make anything you want of it. It's not difficult, it just takes some effort. Have you ever thought of the cost to arrange a funeral? And comparing it with the cost of staying alive – I mean successful? The truth of the matter is many think they are alive but are either dead-broke or dead as in DEAD. But the good news is that dreams can come though the light and those dreams can for you reality.
See things as you would have them be instead of as they are. Develop a Daily Action Plan that focuses on what you want, not on what you have.
Your imagination will show you how to turn your possibilities into reality. Visualize your goals and your subconscious will begin to work toward making those mental pictures come true.If you picture yourself vividly as winning, that alone will contribute immeasurably to your success.
Knowing your destination is all you need to get there.