Today's Quote

ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Through It All

Through persecution and trial
Faith makes the devil a liar
Through weary wilderness
Virtue energizes power for service

Though messiness of the mind
Acquisition of knowledge is easy to find
Through pressure and woolly goals
Temperance gives self-control

Through pestilence and its rumours
Patience ushers in sense of humour
Through grime and dirtiness
Cleanliness paves way for Godliness

Through jealousy and hatred
Brotherly Kindness is easily read
And through it all
Possession of Charity edifies more

Written By: Caleb A. O.
P.O Box 8021, Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria


The key that insures your success in any endeavor is desire. If you are willing to pay the price, even your circumstances will change. If you want something badly enough you are sure to get it.

Reality forms around the commitments you make. Your desires will in time externalize themselves into concrete facts.

Obstacles don't matter very much. Pain or other circumstances can be there. But if you want something bad enough, you'll find a way to get it done.

You only have to love a thing greatly to get it.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Princess Ibiene George

What can separate us from the bond we’ve shared
Oh precious jewel one I esteem and call princess
I have sort to right my wrong over the years
But you derive pleasure in placing me in outer darkness

On my knee I beg and pray daily
For us to make amends for old time sake
Not minding the past and all its intrigues
But looking forward for a new dawn to break

I see greatness coming from a distance
Filled with luxuries meant for you and me
I won’t trade it for whatever you say
For together we were meant to be

Every time I view your picture on
I see the lips of an angel I did kissed
And wonder in its fantasy and glory
I see you the Miss I missed

Ibiene George (Princess) why do this
For it breaks my heart every time I think of you
I know somewhere in your heart lays a childhood
But I can’t phantom what I should do

Help Me! –
I really didn't want to do this but u forced me. I am sorry!


There is a good side to every situation. View your problems as opportunities. You cannot have the success without the failures. There is no TESTIMONY without a TEST.
Any experience can be transformed into something of value. Everything depends on the way you look at things.

What are stumbling blocks and defeat before you can be stepping stones to victory if you remain determined.

In all of your adversities lie the seeds of equivalent advantages. In every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the next time.

When it's dark enough you can see the stars and the watchman says …the morning comes! Though weeping may endure through the night be happy that morning comes at dawn.


She sits daily with loneliness
And smiles at nothing at all
She stares at the critical gaze of men
From the mirror that hangs on the wall

She waits for someone who is nobody
And for decades everybody comes or goes
With hope to be free one day
She’s somebody nobody knows

Down to the cares of life she falls
Like someone the world threw away
Nobody comes to her rescue
None bothers to look down her way

Though she cries, tries helplessly
To wipe memories off her shadow
A shadow the world left behind
Is the accolade from her fellows

She is someone nobody knows
Cries where nobody can hear
Someone is dying alone in pain
In this life and nobody seem to care

Written By: Caleb A. O
+234 – 8026755943
P. O. Box 8021 Wuse Abuja, Nigeria /
P.O Box 8021 Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria.
Zip Code: 900271 Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


It comes from a distant land
With obsession easy to understand
Reminds you that you are not alone
It’s the voice that calls you home

It is the beauty of every creature
The transferred happiness of the future
Brings one to a never ending zone
Oh! That voice that calls you home

It takes and brings things to existence
Seldom accord with forms of pretence
Spoken by one and Him alone
Is that voice that calls you home

Could this be the voice of Jesus
That spoke on the road to Damascus
If it is, then I’m glad to be atoned
By that voice that calls one home

Though knowledge fails, and hearts bleeds
Question not the way this Voice leads
For in this side of life one is not alone
Being mindful of that voice that calls them home

One has walked strait for others to follow
Though excruciating, please try to swallow
For whatsoever that is broken is made whole
When that voice calls you home

And to folks left behind to time
Brotherly kindness and charity be thine
To profit withal and the truth uphold
And wait for that voice to call you home

Written by: Caleb A. O
P.O Box 8021, Wuse Abuja, Nigeria
Zip Code-900271 Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria


Your future is a big adventure. Prepare for your future don't live in the past. Savor your good memories; use any bad ones as lessons in life. Science has it that up to 65,000 thoughts passes through our mind everyday which are negative and of the past, and if we dwell therein nothing good would come out of it. No wonder many complain of a bleak future when they look at themselves down the road.

When you look at yourself in five years time what do you see? Where would you be? All these are product of what you are and think right now where you are standing

Carve out a niche for yourself in your imagined future. Think, feel and see yourself as successful. To achieve any goal in life, you need to project your end result. Think of the elation, the satisfaction, and the joy you'll feel. Carry these ecstatic feelings with you every day and they'll bring your desired goals into view.

Sooner or later, you can win if you think you can. The cards you are dealt in life are less important than the way you play them. Everyday you're offered a new deal and new cards.

Success is in your future if you're willing to work for it. Let me ask you, are you willing to work for it? If yes! Let’s do it together. You and me.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Freedom is the right to live as you wish. If you wish to free yourself from enslavement, you must choose freedom and the responsibility it entails. There's a price for every freedom, something to be given up for every liberty, but what is the price for Financial Freedom which is the most sort issue on planet earth?

Freedom is the opportunity to make decisions. It's the capacity to take a hand in your own development or “own your stuff” as Les Brown would say. It's up to you to weigh the price you must pay for each of your freedoms. And everything you want has a price. Freedom is the right to choose. It's the right to create for yourself the alternatives of choice and that determines the price you’ll pay for the freedom you want today. Like I once asked you “are you willing to do today the things others won’t do in order to have tomorrow the things others won’t have or dream of? That price is determined by the choice and decisions we as human make today.

No one is free who is not master of himself. You are free to do whatever you like. You need only face the consequences of your actions. Ask yourself these questions
What do I want?
Why do I want what I want?
How do I get what I want?
When you can answer these questions then I’ll be with you at the train station.

See you next time, stay bless in the bond of PEACE – Brothers Standing in The Gap

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


You must avoid breaking down when things don't go your way. You'll always be secure to the degree that you accept change. True security comes from being able to bend your insecurities. Like Les Brown would say “…I won’t cowered before any master or bend to any threat!”

Recognize and accept that change will inevitably take place. You'll become secure, not by standing still, but by growing, moving, and staying energized. Be secure in the knowledge that you can deal with anything that happens to you.

Have the courage to bet on your ideas. Take some calculated risks and act on your dreams. There is no permanent security on this earth, there is only opportunity.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Inexplicable Problem

After a traumatic work day
Going back to my humble home
A familiar cry reaches the ear
Oh! It’s the sound of my mobile phone

“Who could this be”? I questioned
It’s a call from a private number
“Its I… I’ll call you…” was all she said
But the voice was far too familiar

Though it wasn’t a normal flash
The voice produced too many pictures
I ran my memory in a speedy form
But none matches such eloquent features

Whose fault then was it?
Mine! Or that of the caller
Was it the network coverage?
Or that of the moving car

Had I known, would have trekked home
No! Jumped out of the car in motion
If only she wouldn’t call me back
Wouldn’t have been in this commotion

Though it gives me great thought
And lots of funny inspiration to write
That was the longest suspense of all
My ceiling had a million sheets that night

Could this be the caller’s intention?
To know the state of my patience
But if a vital message is to be passed
Then why this inconsequential suspense

But whatever this is
Chaos is the state of my mind
I wait meticulously for her call again
If only this poem she would find

Written By: Caleb A. O.
+ 234-8026755943
P. O. Box 8021 Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria
Zip Code-900271 Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria

Salty Coffee

Wrote this poem and feel it could bless your heart as you read. Many are like that and I know many ladies have either gotten their man or rejected their Man through this means. However, Life is short lets leave the best today.

He met this wench in a lobby
She was outstanding and pretty
Many dudes had tried to date her
But none was lucky in her vicinity

Luckily, at the dusk of a work day
An invitation was set for a coffee
With politeness and surprise she agreed
Amazed as she asked “who is he”?

They both sat nervous and timid
No one seem to ignite a conversation
She felt uncomfortable and opt to leave
Soon inspiration struck his imagination

“Salt for coffee” he timidly demanded
All around were swept to their feet
He went further to add a pinch
And soon goggle all of it

She was stoned and curiously asked
Why he took this to be part of him
Soon the story of his childhood emerged
And her curiosity was satisfied to the brim

“Growing up by the seaside
Salt, to my imaginations enlightens
And at the taste of a Salty Coffee
The love story of my childhood awakens”

That story lingered in her mind
Till at the alter she told him “yes”
He was the luckiest man in that hood
All considered the oddball as the best

They both shared a strange fate
That has no price tag or fee
Living happily ever after
Thanks to that taste of Salty Coffee

Written By: Caleb A. O.
+ 234-8026755943
P. O. Box 8021 Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria
Zip Code-900271 Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria


"If you want to play the B-Ball, you have got to play it with the Big-Boys". The more you try, the greater your chance of succeeding. The law of averages is in you.

Taking a risk is often your first necessary step toward success. If you don't take some risks, you won't get the chance to succeed. While you are trying, you are winning.

Never get discouraged. Every wrong attempt is another step forward.People that make no mistakes usually don't make anything. Make up your mind not merely to overcome a thousand obstacles, but to win in spite of a thousand defeats. Your mistakes are stepping stones to success and your installment payments to victory.

You can't be a winner and be afraid to lose. All you have to do is stay in the GAME and have a fruitful week.

Caleb A. O.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


You are meant to build the POWER to accomplish your goals and that happens when you educate yourself. Ask yourself this question: what do I read, what do I listen to? Many say that it is what’s in a man that corrupts the man. I agree! But if that thing is not fed fat that thing would die of hunger, and the only way to feed that thing is through reading of Books, listening to motivational words, attending seminars and doing what you have been told to do through the different media. When you have done these, the power of knowing how to do something will ignite itself in you. Power is the product of understanding.

The most successful people in life are the ones with the best information. There is no news as GoodNews; and that’s speaking from the newspaper point of view. Many spend endless efforts, time and resources to read the bad things that have befallen their fellow man. Think of it, how many newspaper would say this as its headline news; “Obasanjo donates 10 million naira for the motherless homes;” but many would in large prints say this, “Obasanjo is arrested by EFCC”. People with power are people who know how to get things done. Knowing how to do something is sometimes virtually the same as having done it.

We are also familiar with “Applied knowledge is power and not knowledge alone.” Knowledge will come to you when you have your eyes and mind constantly open. There is no knowledge that is not power. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Caleb A. Obiajuru

Welcome! Welcome!! Welcome!!!

This site originated from a group in FACEBOOK where Men of like precious faith meet to discuss views, issues and seek wisdom to combat their daily obstacles. It’s also a site that helps all who visit know that somewhere out there, there is someone standing in the GAP for them and that would make them hold on and overcome their FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real).

It is also to enable people to have a quality balance between business life, social life, and spiritual life. Enable you to have a philosophy that will guide you in making choices and having a value system – a sense of worth. To differentiate between been RICH and been WEALTHY. To rather work smart than working hard... come! Be part of the next WAVE!!!