Today's Quote

ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Birthday

Dawn is slowly breaking
Party’s almost ended – friends are on their way home
I’m still at the office trying to round up
I’m sorry for your birthday I couldn’t come

Your present is hanging by your window pane
As well as behind your picture hanging on your wall
I know not how to present my gift to you late
But just know tis the greatest gift of all

The fire that burns between us is fading
And the love we once shared is in despair
I stand out here to do my bid and best
To let precious memoirs fill our polluted air

Through your emotions I can clearly see
That one day the scales from your eye would fall
And knowing that you were once in love with me
Tis my greatest gift of all

And just before I say goodnight and go to sleep
I hear my mobile phone softly ring
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you my love”
Is the song it beautifully sings

And so I say a silent birthday wish
For you my love amid great and small
Long life and great prosperity all day long
Tis from me to you the greatest gift of all

Caleb A. O

Monday, December 22, 2008


You have the power and the opportunity to change your life. You can make anything you want of it. It's not difficult, it just takes some effort. Have you ever thought of the cost to arrange a funeral? And comparing it with the cost of staying alive – I mean successful? The truth of the matter is many think they are alive but are either dead-broke or dead as in DEAD. But the good news is that dreams can come though the light and those dreams can for you reality.

See things as you would have them be instead of as they are. Develop a Daily Action Plan that focuses on what you want, not on what you have.

Your imagination will show you how to turn your possibilities into reality. Visualize your goals and your subconscious will begin to work toward making those mental pictures come true.If you picture yourself vividly as winning, that alone will contribute immeasurably to your success.
Knowing your destination is all you need to get there.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


It opens closed doors of the heart
And tears the mask of hatred apart
It put smiles on ominous faces
Has no dogma, creed or races

From the east to the west
It is welcomed as the best
From the north to the south
Relieves any in doubt

It inspires the parson to discourse
The ungodly bows and becomes righteous
It is the song that artiste write
That turns wrong doers to right

It makes strangers to hold hands
And exchange ideas easy to understand
It is that that makes faith visible
Elevates passionately the low and simple

It is strength to the ignored
And to givers, it is their reward
It sees beyond ones imperfection
Without ridicule, without condemnation

Fosters compassion in the valley of hate
Beckons to all that off their fate
The forgiver of the prodigal
Makes paradise out of sepulchre

It cost zilch but creates much
Based on correction and as such
Its icon is seldom grasp through the eyes
Never ending and barely dies

Written By: Caleb A. O
P. O. Box 8021 Wuse Abuja

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Courage is the power to face your difficulties. It comes from the reserves of your mind that are more powerful than any of your outside circumstances. It is said that you should never allow someone else’s opinion form your reality – because many people would define you before saying a word to them.

When you recognize that you are bigger than your problems, you gain the courage necessary to overcome everything – and when I mean everything I mean everything.

Your obstacles will look large or small to you according to whether you are large or small. Courage is the capacity to confront what can be imagined. It gives you the ability to rise above reality.

You are more important than any of your problems – because before your problem was you were. You did it back then and you can do it again. Let that stay with you through this winter season.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Special Friend Poems - "Portrait of a Friend"

I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts, or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will search for answers.

I can't change your past with all its heartache and pain, or the future with its untold stories. But I can be there now when you need me to care.

I can't keep your feet from stumbling. I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.

Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine; yet I can share in your laughter.

Your decisions in life are not mine to make, or to judge; I can only support you, encourage you, and help you when you ask.

I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship, from your values, from me. I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.

I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you, But I can give you the room to change, room to grow, room to be yourself.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


You gain the advantage in any situation through one medium: TIME. You can do things before they need to be done – you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. You can position yourself ahead of time in the best place.

Think ahead of any approaching action. Make a plan and you will always have the advantage. Let your advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.
The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.

In life, as in chess, forethought wins.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


The truly successful person doesn't use others; other people use the successful person. If you can contribute to others, no matter how small your talent, you too can become successful. The measure of anyone is the number of people that they serve.

Service to others is the essence of success. No one achieves success without being of service. All great men and women became successful because they gave some talent or ability in the service of others.

Everybody has to be somebody to somebody to be anybody.

(a story from a prophet) A woman, a few days after that He was passing through a crowd going to heal a little sick girl, and a woman touched His garment. She said in herself, "If I can touch Him, I'll be well. He's a holy Man, and I believe Him to be just what He says He is." She touched His garment, and--and she ran back and hid herself in the crowd.
Jesus said, "Who touched Me? Who touched Me?"
And EVERYBODY... She and all of them... NOBODY... "No, I never touched You."
And Peter, always, you know, with his boldness he stood out and said, "Lord, how could ANYBODY tell? EVERYBODY'S touching You and why saith Thou, 'Who touched Me?' Why stop the--the procession as we're going on, standing here saying, 'Who touched Me, who touched Me?' when everybody's just a loving around You and everything."
He said, "Yes, but I got weak. SOMEBODY touched Me with faith."

Monday, December 15, 2008

You Can See Your Future With A Vision.

Study your present situation thoroughly. Go over in your imagination the various courses of action possible to you. Visualize the consequences which can follow from each course. Pick out the course which gives you the most promise and go ahead.

Many successful people use this skill of mental visualization. They mentally run through important events before they happen.

Picture yourself in your mind’s eye as already having achieved your goal. See yourself doing the things you’ll be doing when you've reached your goal. You can put your subconscious to work toward making your mental pictures come true. Go over your day in your imagination before you begin it. You can begin acting successfully at any moment.

See the things you want as already yours. Think of them as yours, as already in your possession. You can see your future with a vision and live your dreams.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I saw her after a long time
She never really changed from her prime
She bleached her hair to hide her intentions
Her pretty face had lost all its expressions

She needed to talk
So we took a long walk
I thought about my friend I’d left in a rush
She thought about her first crush

She then spoke about her love affair
I saw a tender heart bound with fear
She told me these over and over again
I saw friendship worthy of great gain

She spoke about her goals in life
I saw the etiquette of a virtuous wife
She told me of her quest for a friend
I gave her a promise that she could depend

She was missing her entire family
I was missing her badly
She thought her life was just a waste
I told her never to judge in haste

She told me about her worst state
I took her hands and gave her faith
I said few words to show I was indeed candid
“I was there, it’s okay to cry” – so she did

Written By: Caleb A. O.
+234(08026755943 – 07029485391)

Friday, December 12, 2008


You're the master of your fate and the captain of your soul. While your character is formed by circumstances, your own desires can do much to shape those circumstances. Thus, you have the power over the formation of your own character.

Nature is always at work around you. Your character and destiny are her handiwork. She gives you love and hate, jealousy and reverence. You have the power to choose which impulse you will follow.

You can at any time decide to alter the course of your life. No one can ever take that away from you. The greatest power you possess is the power to choose. You're the master of your joys and your sorrows.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Birthday Wife

I saw him in a drug store, he was big, an awkward-looking guy
With work-worn hands, he looked as one down with strife
He was fumbling through the card sections
The section marked “Birthday Wife”.

I watched him out from the corner of my eye
As he took out a card and read it, put it back
I could tell by the look on his face it wasn’t what he wanted
As he repeated his action without a setback

Finally, he picked up an attractive one
One of those kinds of curvy-looking cards
With flowers on the front, still wasn’t convinced
Guess something was missing – maybe birds

Or maybe it probably said something like
“Roses are red, violets and blue” you know!
But he sighed and took it to the check-out canter
Where he paid and packaged so that its content won’t show

On his way home he had stopped for a moment
I supposed he scrawled something simple on the base
Something like “love Pete” and continued his walk home
He gave it to her but it didn’t say what he wanted to say

The things we wish to say are not that easy
But she probably had a clue or rather knew
By the way he grinned at her – poked her by the elbow
Because his words were not always few

What goes on inside our heart of hearts
Are the hard things we want to say – both great and small
Of course one should not bother trying to say them
They would always know because LOVE says it all

It is not easy to say the things that really matters, is it?
It’s not always easy to say “I really love you”
Sometimes it’s hard to say “I’m sorry, I was wrong
Or “I acted like a fool yesterday, please forgive me”

Caleb A. O

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


A life without purpose is like a ship without a rudder. Goals are dreams that are written down go a long way in knowing WHY, WHEN, and HOW they are achieved. The purpose of a goal is to focus your attention. Your mind will reach toward achievement only when it has a goal.

There is no achievement without goals. Establish a goal worth working for. Your goal will keep you going in tough times. Always have something ahead of you. Continuously visualize your next step. Keep moving after you achieve your goal and set another. Momentum is maintained by always having something to look forward to. Constantly give yourself something to work for.

Do what you can do well, and do well whatever you can do and you'll achieve any goal that you set for yourself. You can plant your dream with a goal.

Friday, December 05, 2008


Look into my eyes
Tell me what you see
Is my heart made of ice?
Or does my blood flow like the raging sea

Let me take you down to my core
Where lately I've become so numb
In search of fun I closed your door
All is lost and now I'm sucking me thumb

My soul sleeps somewhere cold
Waiting to be found, and taking home
Now I know what I'm left without
I'll make it back if only you kiss away my doubt

I'm frozen inside without your touch
In darkness I wander without a torch
Thinking you would come and set free
You only sigh and snubbed me.

What would I do to reconcile the fate?
Should sex be always used as bait?
Every night on my kneel I pray
That you come and renew my day

See the world in my own point of view
Sing with me while I play the tune
In my arms, you would never be lonely
In my heart you remain the one and only

Written By: Caleb A. O.
+234(08026755943 – 07029485391)

Thursday, December 04, 2008


Accept that change will take place. It is inevitable. Be secure in the knowledge that you can deal with whatever happens. To feel secure you must bend your insecurities, and avoid breaking when things don't go your way. You'll always be secure to the degree that you can accept change. You actually become secure, not by standing still, but by growing, moving and being energized. Your ultimate security is your understanding of this reality.

There is no permanent security on this earth: there is only opportunity. Have the courage to bet on your new ideas, to take calculated risks, and to act on your opportunities. There is nothing to stop you on the road to success but yourself.

Change is good. Some people are afraid of change, but change is the invitation of experiencing something new that may affect your life in a positive way. Change is inevitable and will happen in all of our lives. In most cases, change is the way to move forward to success. Dealing with change is what will determine your success.

If we learn to embrace change and accept it as part of life, it becomes easier to handle every situation that presents itself. When you resist change, you can set yourself up for failure. We are all in constant motion and not everything will go according to plan. If we grow from the changes that take place, then we will be able to become more equipped to deal with life’s challenges.

You can either choose to grow with change or not to grow. Growth means embracing the change in our situation and looking for the things that help to learn from it.

Embracing change creates a flow that if followed may produce results that may just surprise us. Experience is life’s lesson to teach us how to accept change and make it work for us.

Change gets you out of your comfort zone and releases your full potential, even if it is risky, to pursue your purpose. Don’t stay in the box. There will be no change possible in that little box. Change helps you to meet new people, start new ventures, have new ideas, and experience new things. It gives you a sense of purpose and an opportunity to dream big, if you allow that to happen.

You have to make the decision to realize that people change; life changes, and situations will change because life is a process. Make a decision because you do have a choice, life will change, people change, situations change and so can you!

Some people view change as something difficult to handle, but if change is embraced, it can give you more choices to realize and accomplish more in your life. Fear is sometimes the cause of refusing to embrace change. Fear of the unknown does not necessarily mean that the unknown is bad. It would just be your concept of the unknown that limits you and prevent you from accepting change.

Facing the reality of change and increasing your confidence in your abilities will enable you to accept and embrace change as something good and not bad.

You should take a look at who you are now and what you want for our future. With that in mind, when change comes, it will be easy for you to evaluate yourself at that time, to see the effect of what that change can do to your present and future situation.

When there is an inner awareness and clarity in whatever you do, there will be a new outlook on change and will help us not to place blame on anyone, but to let the change affect you in a positive way.

Stop indulging in habitual things that don’t allow you to advance. Make and embrace changes on your own to get closer to your purpose. Successful people view change as a challenge and the ideal pursuit of better things to come and so should you.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Your attitude is not determined by circumstances, but by how you respond to your circumstances. You can respond positively or negatively to any situation.

It's how you react to events, not the events themselves that determines your attitude. Any challenge facing you is not as important as your attitude towards it, for that will determine your success or failure.

Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out. It's not your position but your disposition that counts. For man proposes and GOD disposes.

If she'd taken the wrong attitude, the miracle would've never happened. It's your--it's your attitude towards the Divine gift of God which determines what's going to happen, always, always.

See, there's no individual person can heal. And there's no--no person that can save you against your will or heal you against your will. It has to be your attitude towards Jesus Christ, what determines your healing. Now, God has sent ministers to preach the Gospel. He put His Word out here, but He put ministers to preach it. He put the different things. But His church... But He has got members in this church or people in this church that... God has set the church in order. And if the people would just get in the place where God put them, and then the church would be in order.

Now, it's your attitude what that is what determines what you get. See? They put rag on His head and hit Him and said, "Tell us something." See? But He doesn't do that. It's your attitude towards Him.

Now, Daniel said, "I'm going to purpose in my heart. No matter how much pressure they put on me, how much they laugh and say I'm a holy-roller, that won't bother me a bit. That won't faze me one bit. I'm going to stay true to God no matter what comes through bad." That's the way. Then you're going to get somewhere when you start with that attitude.

Remember, it's the motive that you have towards anything that determines what you're going to get out of it. It's your motives. If your motive is right, you'll be all right. But always make your motives right. Serve the Lord for one purpose, because you love Him, not because you're afraid of hell, not because you're afraid of dying, but because you love Him, Who loved you when you were unlovable. That's it. "Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood shall never lose its power till all the ransomed Church of God be saved to sin no more." That's right. "Ever since by faith I saw that stream, Thy flowing wounds supply, redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die." What a marvelous quotation of the poet. And that's right. Take all of everything else, but give me love.

Now, Christ meets with man in different councils. Sometimes He meets with man in great numbers. Sometimes He meets with men in small numbers. The numbers doesn't mean whether Christ is there or not; it's the attitude of the people that's in the number what determines it.